Thursday 14 June 2012

Mad Men

Season 1 of mad men:

Season 2 of madmen:

Duck masculinity in crisis drinking in secret

ideology: white male superiority, wealth, status, decide how women should look/dress/behave

Thursday 9 February 2012

American Psycho

Bateman is a complicit metrosexual male, as he is a male with traditional characteristics but has an effeminate element that he isnt't ashamed of in his daily beauty routine. Bateman may have OCD this is suggested through his strict inflexible routine.

Grooming routine:

Bateman compares buisness cards with his colligues, the cards are symbolic and are compared the way guns would be compared. Each person is trying to show he is the supirior male which upsets bateman when he sees the cards are better than his. As this is like a blow to his masculinity which makes him feel inferior, nthis can be seen when he starts sweating after viewing the other men's cards.

Card Scene:

Thursday 19 January 2012

What representations of men are offered in the media?

Acording to Connell there are 4 types of masculinity:

Hegemonic Masculinity - which is the traditional masculinity, male supremacy power & authority, hetrosexuality, aggression, 'laddish' culture, can be macho & sexist.

Subordinate Masculinity - which is a masculinity assicuated with gay men who are stereotypically viewed as behaving differently to the expectations of the dominant hegemonic male.

Marginalised Masculinity - the labour market has meant they can no longer assume there will be jobs for them after school, leaving many with a crisis, sense of loss & disconnectedness.

Complicit Masculinity - a masculinity which new men, foor example, might be said to adopt in taking on a shared role in the family.

Connells types of masculinity can be seen in mand different media texts. For example in fight club both hegemonic and marginalised masculinity is portrayed. Tyler Durdan is portrayed as being hegemonic, as he is very aggressive and starts up an illegal fight club to allow the anger to be released, his hegemonic masculinity comes across in many of the peotic speaches he gives. here is an example of some of tyler's quotes.

'Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. Like the first monkey shot into space.'

'Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.'